Durham Interim Supt Statement

Durham Interim Supt Statement

At the Feb. 22 Board of Education meeting, Interim Superintendent of Durham Public Schools Catty Moore, said: "HIL did exactly what we asked them to do. They provided the information, they told us what the market rates were, they gave us a schedule---all of these were the things that we asked of them. And the district took that information, made presentations to the board around implementation, and what we have found after those decisions were made was that the financial modeling on what that was going to cost the district was either inadequate or there was an assumption made that the funds could be found to implement it as the realization for how much it was going to cost to implement it came to light...." More of the meeting can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihPqkClxj0k&t=4050s